
Fire Protection

The Cash Fire Department provides fire protection for the citizens of the Cash community as well as the City of Quinlan. The CFD has mutual aid contracts in place to assist with all operations throughout the entirety of Hunt County.

Rescue Operations

Rescue operations such as, Vehicle Extrication, Rope Rescue, and Swift Water Rescue are services provided by the Cash Fire Department. All of our members are sent to special schooling to be trained in these technical rescue fields and o be able to provide the highest quality of service to the citizens we serve.

Wildland Firefighting

The CFD covers a large area of land and provides Wildland firefighting capabilities for these areas. The CFD works closely with the surrounding agencies as well as the Texas A&M Forestry Service to minimize property loss and provide adequate Wildland firefighting.

Emergency Medical Services

American Medical Response is the ambulance provider for Hunt County. AMR contracts with Hunt Regional Healthcare and all 13 fire departments in Hunt County. The goal of the Cash Fire Departments EMS Operation is to provide medical services to the citizens the department serves in collaboration with Hunt County EMS.


Commuity Quick Links

Cash Fire Station:
4745 State Highway 34 South
Greenville Texas 75402

